Debi Hogg
After extensive training in the beautiful setting of the Malvern Hills for reflexology I established Therapy Point in 1994. This ignited a passion to explore in more depth a natural holistic approach into achieving and maintaining optimum well being.
Initially my research took me in the direction of exploring the impact of Allergies in connection to health issues whether this is from an environmental component or a food product. After receiving remarkable personal health benefits, I completed my training in Allergy Therapy in 1998.
Following on from this I looked into the physical and mechanical structure of the body. Thus leading me to be introduced to the exciting Bowen Technique, completing my training in August 2000. Further enhancing this area by exploring muscle structure and action by training in Swedish body massage in April 2002. Over this time I also completed all three levels of Reiki training, and a twelve-month course, studying Iridology.
With the ever increasing reports in the news in relation to the impact of certain foods on our health and the increasing levels of obesity and diabetes worldwide. I decided to explore this further by commencing on a science access course to gain access on to a foundation degree in Nutrition Science, completing this in July 2011.
Over this time I have attended many workshops, lectures and seminars to keep me up to date on all aspects of health issues and new developments either from an orthodox or alternative prospective. With this background I can offer a wealth of knowledge, to support both male and female's from birth onwards, during a one to one consultations.
During this journey, I have managed to address many of my own health issues, by introducing relaxation techniques, re-arranging my diet and regular exercise.