A Bowen Technique treatment affects the body in ways which promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. The experiance of the treatment is gently, subtle and relaxing and it is these features which make the Bowen Technique so unique. Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Sports therapist and physiotherapists are among the many professional practictitioners who use Bowen technique and all who practice it are continually amazed at the effectiveness of this simple and gently form of hands on therapy.
The human immune system is a complex and wonderful mechanism that has evolved over millions of years. It enables the body to fight injury and invading infections and viruses with an awesome array of natural inbuilt healing aids. Sadly due to this high tech, world and the stresses that come with it, we now often have very complex health problems which are seemingly beyond our healing processes.
Treatment using the Bowen Technique aims to support and bost the natural healing capabilities of the body. Bowen therapist believe that the body has the ability to adjust and heal itself.
What Does a treatment involve?
The treatment will take approximately 45 minutes and most of the work can be performed through light clothing. Two or three treatments at weekly intervals are often sufficient to acheive lasting pain relief, although further treatments may be required. To receive maximum benefit it is recomended that other physical therapist are not mixed with the Bowen Technique such as massage, reflexology, physiotherapy.
How does it work?
The Bowen Technique is unlike any other form of hands on therapy. There is no pulling or cracking of joints, no insertion of needles and no manipulation. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points on the body, and makes a rolling type move over the muscle and soft tissue, With the aim to disturb the muscle, soft tissue and energy within the body. During the treatment there are periods in which the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the gentle moves that have been performed. This gives the body time to make subtle and fine adjustments which help relieve tension, reduce pain and initiate healing.
The treatment is holistic (treats the whole body) and it is generally a pleasant and relaxing experiance with no known adverse side effects. Some relief from pain can be experience on the first visit. Many people state that over the next 3-4 days they experience reactions as the body accepts the therapy and realigns itself. The healing process continues for about 7 days until treatment is continued.
Where did it originate?
The Bowen Technique was pioneered by Thomas Ambrose Bowen, born 1916 in Geelong, Australia. After working in miscellaneous labouring jobs as a young man, he developed a great interest in massage and bodywork and spent time observing football trainers and others involved with sports. By the time he was in his early 40's this gifted man had established a full time practice in remedial therapy using the technique he had developed. In 1978 when he was interviewed by a parlimentary committee looking into complementary medicine he stated under oath that he treated about 280 patients per week with the help of an assistant and a receptionist, an increadible 13000 patients a year, 88% of whom only required two or three treatments. Mr Bowen died in the early 1980's. Bowen Technique was brought to England in 1993. Tom Bowen develped the technique over many years and there are many theories as to how it works. Tom Bowen said that it was the movement of bad energy coupled with the increased flow of blood and lymphatic drainage that caused the often spectacular return to full health.
What does it help?
Common presening problems include back and neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries, frozen shoulder, RSI, tennis elbow, and respiratory condidtions. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, hayfever, headaches, kidney problems and problems requiring lymphatic drainage have responded favourably. Some people use Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and health maintenance, seeing a therapist 2-4 times a year
the Bowen technique is regarded as safe and effect for people of all ages.